ArtFact group - ArtFact-2%20in%20Minsk
art Fact

Exhibition of Group ArtFact in Minsk, Belarus

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Photos by E. Talamay © 2008

Exploring Creativity and Expression: A Glimpse into the ArtFact Exhibition in Minsk

Art has long been a powerful means of expression, allowing artists to convey their thoughts, emotions, and perspectives in unique and captivating ways. In the heart of Minsk, a dynamic and innovative group of artists known as ArtFact has been captivating audiences with their thought-provoking exhibitions that push the boundaries of traditional art forms. With a focus on collaboration, experimentation, and cultural exploration, the ArtFact group has carved out a distinct place in the contemporary art scene.
A Collective Vision: Origins of ArtFact
ArtFact was formed in Minsk with the primary objective of fostering collaboration among artists across various disciplines. Founded by a diverse group of painters, sculptors, photographers, and multimedia artists, the collective sought to create a platform where creative minds could come together to exchange ideas and challenge conventional artistic norms.
The group's philosophy revolves around the idea that art is not limited to a single medium or perspective. By embracing this ideology, ArtFact has managed to break down the barriers that often confine artists to specific categories, enabling them to explore new techniques and materials freely.

01.07.08. В Минске в Музее театральной культуры и музыки РБ, открылась Выставка творческого объединения "Артфакт" (С. Жилевич, В. Саганович, И. Шлосберг, Е. Таламай, А. Шустерман, Н. Козловский), посвященная дню Независимости Республики Беларусь. Выставка спонсирована Пинской еврейской общиной, под руководством Иосифа Либермана. Адрес выставки : Минск Старовиленская, 14 (Гасцеуня Уладiслава Галубка)

Exhibition in Minsk

Artists: A. Shusterman, N. Kozlovsky, I. Shlosberg, V. Saganovich, S. Zhilevich

Exhibition in Minsk

Musician Glafira Zhilevich

Exhibition in Minsk

Artist N. Kozlovsky /p>

Exhibition in Minsk

Paintings by V. Saganovich

Exhibition in Minsk

N. Kozlovsky

>Exhibition in Minsk

Group of artists

Exhibition in Minsk

Group of artists

Exhibition in Minsk

N. Kozlovsky, E. Talamay, Adinistrator of Museum,
A. Shusterman, I. Liberman, V. Saganovich

Exhibition in Minsk

E. Talamay

Exhibition in Minsk

Group of artists

Exhibition in Minsk

Group of artists

Exhibition in Minsk

S. Zhilevich

Exhibition in Minsk

Musician Glafira Zhilevich

Unveiling ArtFact: Belarus' Emerging Art Collective

In the heart of Eastern Europe lies a burgeoning artistic force, the ArtFact group from Belarus, quietly making waves in the realm of contemporary art. Comprising a diverse ensemble of talented individuals, this collective has been steadily gaining recognition both locally and internationally for its innovative approach and captivating creations.
ArtFact's journey began as a collaborative endeavor among a handful of artists seeking to break free from traditional confines and explore the boundless possibilities of artistic expression. What sets this group apart is its commitment to pushing the boundaries of conventional art forms, embracing experimentation, and challenging societal norms.

More about ArtFact